Fundraising Services

Fundraising Strategies

The Fundraising Agency specialises in developing tailored organisational fundraising strategies for not-for-profits.

Your strategy will act as a road map of how to generate revenue through fundraising.

We work with not-for-profits to develop strategies that will provide a structure and guide to achieving fundraising success, bringing together our team’s wide knowledge of fundraising streams and the local fundraising landscape, informed by the history and future focus of the organisations we work with.

First, we undertake diligent research of your organisation’s fundraising history, community engagement and set up, and hold an initial workshop with organisation representatives to further inform our research and resulting recommendations. After identifying several streams of funding that sit outside of government funding, we develop a comprehensive strategy.

Our collaborative approach ensures your projects benefit from diverse expertise and collective effort.

Fundraising Streams

The Fundraising Agency can provide comprehensive recommendations regarding the fundraising streams that will be the most suitable for your fundraising goals, and how you can approach and manage these for the best outcomes.

Let’s talk strategy

Fundraising is unique for each organisation - we know one size does not fit all. Get in touch to set up your free consultation with our team.

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