Fundraising Services

Fundraising Essentials Workshop Series

The Fundraising Agency can facilitate the development and delivery of a fundraising essentials workshop series for groups related to your organisation, in a particular region, as a way to build the group’s fundraising knowledge, capability, and capacity.

The workshops cover the fundamentals of fundraising readiness, the resources required to fundraise well, and the fundraising streams available to these groups.

The series is delivered as six 2-hour workshops, by two members of our staff, over a period appropriate for the attending groups – we recommend over a six-month period.

Workshops include a mixture of a presentation on theories and concepts, alongside worked examples, and breakout tasks.

Collaboration is our foundation. By working closely with you, we harness our combined strengths to deliver remarkable results and drive success.

Fundraising Streams

The Fundraising Agency can provide comprehensive recommendations regarding the fundraising streams that will be the most suitable for your fundraising goals, and how you can approach and manage these for the best outcomes.

Let’s talk strategy

Fundraising is unique for each organisation - we know one size does not fit all. Get in touch to set up your free consultation with our team.

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