Fundraising Services

Governance for Fundraising Essentials

Having a solid understanding of how your not-for-profit can generate revenue to support your cause and services is one of the most important responsibilities for Board members. Fundraising is a critical component of any not-for-profit Board’s duty of care.

The Fundraising Agency has a wealth of experience in consulting at governance level, to communicate the essentials of best practice fundraising in a way that is accessible, meaningful, and tailored towards optimising your existing programme and new opportunities.

Our Governance for Fundraising Essentials session seeks to empower Boards with the key elements of fundraising success.

Having a solid understanding of how your not-for-profit can generate revenue to support your cause and services is one of the most important responsibilities for Board members.

Fundraising Streams

The Fundraising Agency can provide comprehensive recommendations regarding the fundraising streams that will be the most suitable for your fundraising goals, and how you can approach and manage these for the best outcomes.

Let’s talk strategy

Fundraising is unique for each organisation - we know one size does not fit all. Get in touch to set up your free consultation with our team.

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