TFA Fundraising Stream Community Fundraising

Fundraising Streams

Community Fundraising

TFA Fundraising Stream Community Fundraising

Community fundraising usually describes all informal fundraising carried out on behalf of your charity by the community it serves.

The motivation is usually an individual or group with huge passion for the cause (there is often a personal connection) and can be an excellent way to bring the community together.

The fundraising is usually self-motivated, and the fundraisers would let you know that they are raising money for you, either during the process or after the money has been raised.

This is a great opportunity to raise money with little investment required by your fundraising team, as it can involve your supporters not only raising money on your behalf, but spreading the word within their own networks about your cause. Ensuring that community fundraising fits into your wider fundraising strategy is a key consideration prior to starting to plan or getting any collateral development underway.

Tfa Emily Portrait

Types of community fundraising include:

  • Peer to Peer Sponsorship

  • Externally or Internally run events

  • Collection Boxes/Contactless payment machines

The Fundraising Agency can help you understand the place of this stream alongside your other fundraising efforts and help with implementation, and awareness-raising.

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Fundraising Streams

The Fundraising Agency can provide comprehensive recommendations regarding the fundraising streams that will be the most suitable for your fundraising goals, and how you can approach and manage these for the best outcomes.

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